“The Wall” in Second Life

All I can say is WOW.

The CARP team put together a 1-hour condensed version of the Pink Floyd classic with outstanding costumes, dancing, puppets (of course) and animations like you can’t believe.

I took LOTS of snapshots, 74 to be exact.  Here’s the slideshow:

If you don’t want to sit through the slide show, here’s my Flickr set with the same shots.

Thanks to Josina Burgess for the following credits:

THE WALL is a project build and scripted by: Creative Direction: Debbie Trilling (UK) Production: Velazquez Bonetto (Germany) Wall design & scripting: Elfod Nemeth (UK) Animated Puppets: Duggy Bing (US) Chorography: Caravaggio Bonetto (Austria) Costumes: Josina Burgess (Holland) New Music: Junivers Stockholm (Sweden) Lyricks : Josina Burgess (Holland) Machinima: Eifachfilm Vacirca (Switzerland) With valuable contributions from: Scio Kamachi (US), Celeste Moonlight (US), DJ Jenns (UK), Sean Martin (US), George W Bush (US) Original Wall Soundtrack: Pink Floyd

Again, GREAT show.  There’s another showing at 2PM PDT tomorrow…good luck getting in!  (Old mainland sim…40 avatars max)

9 Responses

  1. Thank you for this, and we are so glad you enjoyed.

    Incredible how fast you posted this blog!

    After the performance on Sunday 13th 2pm, we will likely taking ‘The Wall’ to a new 4-sim venue; one sim for the performers and stage, three for the audience. Negotiations are in progress and details should be known within the next week or so.

    The Cybernetic Art Research Project (CARP) will also producing other shows of similar size and complexity in the future. Watch this space!


  2. Thank you for posting this up Morris!!! I’ve had such bad SLing the past week. I couldn’t check the show, but could only get there a day prior when there were no avatars, and I couldn’t take any snaps. So glad you got the FULL experience over there and could share

  3. PS… if Morris doesn’t respond my comment by Monday, we’ll all assume he double-dosed on acid, and is in another galaxy for the rest of the weekend

  4. I’m here, DD, just doing my thing. No illicit pharmaceuticals were ingested during the course of the blogging in this site.

    Hell of a show, though, and I was honored to be present at the first public performance. It was the least I could do to commemorate the show. The Wall was one of the top 10 experiences I’ve had in SL, hands down.

  5. I am so mad I missed this. Anyone know if there will be a repeat perfromance?


  6. Hi

    We will be performing the show again at the 4-sim Mankind Tracer Amphitheatre @ Havens Paradise.

    It will take us a couple of weeks to re-build, re-configure and re-test the objects, the controllers and the numerous sub-systems but we hope to be fully up and running by the weekend of the 26/27th April.

    We will keep Morris and Doubledown informed and hopefully you’ll catch the finalised dates from their blogs 🙂


  7. Great! Thank you.

  8. […] Found this great slideshow of the event on the second arts blog: […]

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