“The Wall” in Second Life

All I can say is WOW.

The CARP team put together a 1-hour condensed version of the Pink Floyd classic with outstanding costumes, dancing, puppets (of course) and animations like you can’t believe.

I took LOTS of snapshots, 74 to be exact.  Here’s the slideshow:

If you don’t want to sit through the slide show, here’s my Flickr set with the same shots.

Thanks to Josina Burgess for the following credits:

THE WALL is a project build and scripted by: Creative Direction: Debbie Trilling (UK) Production: Velazquez Bonetto (Germany) Wall design & scripting: Elfod Nemeth (UK) Animated Puppets: Duggy Bing (US) Chorography: Caravaggio Bonetto (Austria) Costumes: Josina Burgess (Holland) New Music: Junivers Stockholm (Sweden) Lyricks : Josina Burgess (Holland) Machinima: Eifachfilm Vacirca (Switzerland) With valuable contributions from: Scio Kamachi (US), Celeste Moonlight (US), DJ Jenns (UK), Sean Martin (US), George W Bush (US) Original Wall Soundtrack: Pink Floyd

Again, GREAT show.  There’s another showing at 2PM PDT tomorrow…good luck getting in!  (Old mainland sim…40 avatars max)

Shoshana Epsilon’s opening party

She’s showing her SL photography at Avatrait Gallery. Nice collection of work. About 2 or 3 real gems in the mix. And Shoshana is one of SL’s brighter photography lights…worth a visit.  And it was real nice to see so many people come out to support a member of SL’s arts community.
posted by Morris Vig on Simuality using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]

Weekends are MADE for SL music performances

What a great day so far…I heard Enniv Zarf’s “George Winston-equse” improv piano while admiring a rotation of photos by Texanna Schumann, and now I’m at Bach Festival 2008 listening to a string trio play some wonderful classical music. Hope I can hang around in-world long enough to catch “The Wall” today!
posted by Morris Vig on Barcelona del Pi using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]

A Second Arts Flickr group?

Hey all, I’ve been busy getting my photos organized and have put many of them up on Flickr. I’ve noticed that there are a lot of Second Life-oriented Flickr groups and joined a few of them. Which got me thinking…would a Second Arts Flickr group be something people might be interested in participating in? There seems to be a reasonably healthy community of interest around Second Life-generated artwork, so it could be a nice way to share our creativity. Or would it be just another thing that some people do in passing?

I’d love to get my readers’ take on this. Leave a comment with your thoughts!

Gwyneth on Linden Lab’s culture of lousy communications

I know I promised to post less about this type of stuff – and I will, trust me (here’s a picture of a classic Elsewhere Essex piece as proof that I still love Second Life sculpture art!) – but Gwyneth Llewelyn posted a reasoned overview of the ongoing challenges that Linden Lab has had in the world of public communications.  I share with you, because I believe that (like me) she complains because she cares.

I won’t even say that I agree with everything she has to say, but her treatises offer perspective that everyone who cares about the underbelly of Second Life should consider.  These Linden folks aren’t gods…they’re people.  One would hope that people would learn from their past mistakes and move forward stronger.  Linden clearly has done so on the technical front (grid snafus of the last couple weeks making this assertion a debatable point), but they appear to have a cultural predilection for stubbing their toe again, again and again on the human side of things.

Go read this one. It’s worth the time.