Oyster Bay to host ArtTalk panel on “Success in SL Art”

Filthy Fluno Gracie Kendal

Filthy Fluno…………………….Gracie Kendal

Cheen Pitney Madcow Cosmos

Cheen Pitney…………………….Madcow Cosmos

***Monday, November 26 – 6PM SLT***
Oyster Bay Sculpture Garden and Aquarium

The arts market has proven to be one of the drivers of Second Life economic and cultural life. But Second Life is a different environment than the “RL world.” There are different drivers, different motivations to Second Life.

Oyster Bay Sculpture Garden and Aquarium revives the ArtTalk discussion format for one special evening…inviting guests to join Madcow Cosmos, Filthy Fluno, Gracie Kendal and Cheen Pitney as they discuss the different aspects of success in Second Life art. These four individuals, all considered “successful” by most, have taken different tracks to achieve their status.

What makes one successful – Money? Exposure? Creative freedom? So much to explore…and we’re going to discuss this concept. This wide-ranging discussion is not to be missed!

For more information, IM Morris Vig or email Morris at morrisvig [at] sbcglobal [dot] net.